Blog - What is SIS/HyCoSy and why is it used? – Grace Fertility

What is SIS/HyCoSy and why is it used?

July 26, 2024

By Dr. Anthony Cheung

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Your Grace Fertility Specialist may recommend a test called the SIS/HyCoSy as part of your comprehensive fertility assessment. That’s a large acronym, so let’s break it down into what it is, and why it is used.

SIS/HyCoSy provides a highly detailed view of the uterus and fallopian tubes

Saline infusion sonohysterogram (SIS) examines the uterine cavity shape and lining. Hysterosalpingo-contrast sonograph (HyCoSy) is performed at the same time as SIS, and uses a mixture of air and normal saline solution to assess the fallopian tubes. In Grace Centre, SIS/HyCoSy are done using 3D transvaginal ultrasound (TVS) which allows detailed evaluation of the shape of the uterus.

What you can expect during SIS/HyCoSy:

1. A fine catheter is inserted into your cervix or lower part of the uterus (womb).

2. For SIS, saline is injected into the catheter. Using 3D ultrasound imaging, your physician can see a more complete view of the contour (shape) of your uterus. Most patients experience minimal discomfort.

3. For HyCoSy, a mixture of air and normal saline solution (sometimes a special solution is used instead) is injected into the catheter, and air/fluid echoes so generated are used to track the course of the fallopian tubes. This allows your physician to check if your fallopian tubes are open or blocked. There may be some mild discomfort.

Why your Grace Fertility Specialist may recommend SIS/HyCoSy

SIS/HyCoSy is a valuable alternative to an HSG (hysterosalpingogram), which until now, is considered the standard method of examining the uterus and fallopian tubes. However, HSG is covered by MSP, but it may be difficult to access since it must be performed by a radiologist at a hospital. Rather than wait, some patients choose to get an SIS/HyCoSy.

Key advantages of SIS/HyCoSy:

• Generally, more comfortable than HSG

• No X-ray exposure

• Pelvic ultrasound assessment of the ovaries (e.g., follicle number, cysts) and uterus (e.g., fibroids) in one setting

• 3D imaging of the contour of the uterus to exclude uterine anomalies (e.g., uterine septum) in addition.

Keep in mind that the SIS/HyCoSy is not covered by MSP, so there is an out-of-pocket cost. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact a member of the Grace Fertility Team. We are here to help.

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